Well it's about 2 minutes till new years and I just wish everyone the best new years ever! This is the perfect opprotunity for a fresh start, new things and a new you. Someone said on one of the blogs I read to leave things that happened in 09 in 09, so I suggest everyone do just that because there is no point in bringing the past into your present or your future, ya dig?
Everyone seems to be posting their new years resolutions, but I don't have resolutions, I have goals (yes there is a difference, you don't force goals, you aspire to reach them)
being nicer to my family- I have a mean streak in me but I think I should try to be more patient with family because weather I like it or not, they are my family and they love me (some of them) like no other and I have to cherish that and not be so willing to stop talking to them
get ready for college- I have only one year left in high school and then it's off to college so I have to start my portfolio so I'll be set cause ain't no way in hell im gonna be a bum at home while everyone else is living the college life
kanye's workout plan- Every time I go to the doctor she says I'm as healthy as a horse and I never understand why when my diet consists of chocolate, cake and cookies galore and I work out maybe every other week, so imma try to "work it out" every other day and watch the transformation, I do wanna look good for my 17th b-day : )
get out more- I love to go out but when the weekend comes and I have the time to go to the club I let my laziness sop me from fun, even though I need the sleep I feel like I should be out there having fun and meeting people...
MONEY, MONEY, MONEY- I have to learn how to save my cash because I know I'm high maintenance and the cheap stuff does not work, I don't wanna have to buy the cute jewelery that I know will turn my neck green or buy clothes I know aren't high in quality because I don't have the cash to buy the good stuff
Um, I think that concludes my goal list for 2010,I'm so excited!!!!
I'll holla at y'all later, stop by and tell ZODIAC how your new years was : )