im done!
ok, i love blogging but i have no more to say so....... im gonna pull the plug on it : (, but ima make a whole new one. i dunno, im just bored with my life right now. on the upside i have a twitter now!!! just hit me up on @miiszodiac, love you guys!!
the new blog!!
it's still under contruction but it is open to those who would like to subscribe. im not sure if im gonna shut down ZODIAC PERSONALITY but most likely i won't, um so yea check me out at the new blog! like champagne kisses.....
im doin it guys...
well, i finally set up my new blog cause i want you guys to be able to see when i post. that'll be comin soon :). and i have just one question, is jealousy something that should be in a friend? i have a "friend" that is always making comments about light skinned people, she makes fun at me because i wear shades and carry a purse (mind you it just got really hot and sunny in nj), she talks about me because i already wrote my resume for college (keep i mind im only a junior in high school) and to be honest im sick of it. like, i laugh it off because ain't no way imma let some bitch get the best of me but at the same time i wanna just yell out I CAN'T HELP IM FLYER THAN YOU. hey if she wants to be a dead beat and wear sweatpants all the time then that on he right? i just wanna live the good life and look fabulous on my way there...what should i do though?
ok, ok damn!
i don't like disappointing you guys and it bothers me that my blog doesn't work for some of you
so guess what?
im gonna move it!
its gonna be the same ol' me, same zodiac, same crazy stories and random thoughts but the blog name is gonna be new so look out for that in the near future
love ya!
zodiac, my guilty pleasures, updates and opinions...
hey guys, been gone for a while. MY BAD! i just been really busy with school and being on lock down. yea you guessed it right, my mom still got me on that six month shit. i swear she gets on my nerves! i cant even call my friends to let them know im alive, cant wait till i turn 18, then im outta that house i promise you that. any way, as you guys know if you follow musik&soul, that we have a production company going on and i am apart of it and we've been kinda busy with that as well. (LOOK OUT FOR ROYALE SOCIETY SOON)
UM, I JUST HAVE ONE QUESTION FOR YOU GUYS...for those who watch the highly addictive BAD GIRLS CLUB, is it gay for two girls to kiss? there was a time when that shit was looked at as gay (not that i have anything against gay people) and no one did that. nowadays girls are kissing girls as if that shit is a innocent peck..hmmm..zodiac thinks otherwise.
oh, and here's my theme song (for now), trina went in and for the first time she looked sexy to me...
this is how im feelin right about now..
oh and me and that boy i was messin with broke up. and i just want to say...IM SO FRIGGIN HAPPY!!!!!!
UM, I JUST HAVE ONE QUESTION FOR YOU GUYS...for those who watch the highly addictive BAD GIRLS CLUB, is it gay for two girls to kiss? there was a time when that shit was looked at as gay (not that i have anything against gay people) and no one did that. nowadays girls are kissing girls as if that shit is a innocent peck..hmmm..zodiac thinks otherwise.
oh, and here's my theme song (for now), trina went in and for the first time she looked sexy to me...
this is how im feelin right about now..
oh and me and that boy i was messin with broke up. and i just want to say...IM SO FRIGGIN HAPPY!!!!!!
love:what does it mean to you?
"love is the slowest form of suicide"
"love is giving someone the power to destroy you but trusting them not to"
which do you believe?
what is your definition of love?
um, yeah, i don't give a fuck bitch!!!
well, one of my friends decided to stop talkin to me because she thinks i was talkin about her
is she serious!?
yes, she is very much so serious.
um, i don't think she knows this but i could really care less. i've come to the point in my high school carrer where i have far more important thing to do than to worry about somethiing like who wants to be friends with me.
(i scoff)
im officially done with bitches. i have my five ride or die that's willing to do anything and everything for me
what do i wan with a lil ass girl?!
i think she was toxic in my life anyway and i really think this is GOD'S way of telling me our friendship
was bad for me.
ugh, i can't wait till i get my computer back so i can blog properly because just blogging at school is not working. i can't show you guys my puppy or put up new pics of me or even put up my funny video i made *frowns*
just stick it out with me : )
ugh. not even
ten days till the B-DAY
i guess people were right when they say " the excitment wears off."
but the good thing is i saw my crush today!! yes it's the same mr.nigel i been havin a crush on since last year!
ugh, he's like tyson beckford with some morris chestnut and pooch hall and willie from day 26 all rolled into one. yes, it's that serious : )
which brings me to my next point, i need to "break up" with my "boyfriend"
he's becoming a real pain in the ass. he wants to be all up on me and kiss and talk and it's just at the point where i wanna tell him off but at the same time i don't wanna hurt him. but he makes me wanna slap him when he expects me to look good at all times but he be all scruffy and once he even smelled like fish, that's when i knew it had to be over. may sound shallow but whatever, my eyes and nose has needs and if he can't satisfy them but he expects me to satisfy his, it won't work anyway.
:unofficial girl:
being in a "relatioship" and all what it's made up to be
it's complete bullshit
i just don't have the feelings i used to have for my boo because i feel stuck
the last time i saw him i wasn't even happy to see him
i was sick to my damn stomach!
ugh, and i actually felt bad that he likes me more than i like him
he kept calling me girlfriend and ven though i didn't tell him how i felt about that, after we parted ways i realized something very important
i liked being his unofficial girl
it's sweet that he wants to go there with me but uh-uh, im not even feelin it
all day i was thinking if i should tell him or not cause i just dont' know what i should do at this point
this is how i feel, he was my little secret for some time, and it should stay that way, but we not cheating i rather leave before we get into all of that mess which brings me to this song...
i feel the girl version of this, i have love for him and i don't wanna hurt him but i just wanna do me *shrugs*
me vs. men
in my freshman year my health teacher pulled me to the side and asked me what the hell my problem was. i looked him up and down and was like "i don't know what the hell you're talkin bout!" and he explained to me that i acted like a bitch towards him. at first i thought it was funny but he was dead ass serious. out of nowhere he asked me if i had a bad relationship with my dad and i said yes, very surprised that he would ask that without me even bringing up my father. he told me something that changed my life forever. he said " do not blame every man for his fuck ups." i thank mr.icobone for his lesson, and i want to be able to trust men but something always happens to give me reason to belive that EVERY man i come across will hurt me in one way or another.
this brings me to the subject of my stepfather. i love him with all my heart and for some years i thought he was the father of my dreams but things are changing. he snaps at me for no reason, he yells for no reason and we got a puppy a couple of months ago and he talks to the puppy before he talks to me. long story short he makes me feel like shit, the way my real father makes me feel. im staring to think that in my life, will have some unofficial war with men, always. every man who has come into my life has made me hate him with his ignorance and selfishness and lies. and it just burns me up when there is no food in the house and my stepfather buys food for himself. so while my mom is off to work and has most likely did not eat and im in the house starving, he will go buy food for himself and get mad if i ask for five dollars to get a sandwich. oh, and did i fail to tell yall that i asked for five dollars to last for the week and he said he didn't have it but twenty minutes later he walks in the house with dog treats and dog food and toys for the dog, and for those who have pets yall know that shit aint cheap. am i wrong? let me know....
this brings me to the subject of my stepfather. i love him with all my heart and for some years i thought he was the father of my dreams but things are changing. he snaps at me for no reason, he yells for no reason and we got a puppy a couple of months ago and he talks to the puppy before he talks to me. long story short he makes me feel like shit, the way my real father makes me feel. im staring to think that in my life, will have some unofficial war with men, always. every man who has come into my life has made me hate him with his ignorance and selfishness and lies. and it just burns me up when there is no food in the house and my stepfather buys food for himself. so while my mom is off to work and has most likely did not eat and im in the house starving, he will go buy food for himself and get mad if i ask for five dollars to get a sandwich. oh, and did i fail to tell yall that i asked for five dollars to last for the week and he said he didn't have it but twenty minutes later he walks in the house with dog treats and dog food and toys for the dog, and for those who have pets yall know that shit aint cheap. am i wrong? let me know....
what's so wrong with hate?
people has said that hate is a stong word for as long as i could remember. for some reason it's never had the effect on me that it's had on others. like people would stop using the word and shit just because people told them it's a srong word. love is a strong word too but since it's a "nice" word people use it ALL THE TIME, EVEN WHEN NOT NECESSARY! long story short i hate my father. i hate that he hurts me and doesn't care. i hate that he claims me as his child. i hate that he ignores when he does wrong. and what i hate most is when his family or friends tell me i shouldn't use the word hate when it comes to my father because it's a strong word. SO WHAT? i feel very stong feelings towards him and they aren't of love, they are of the complete opposite. if anyone feels strong distaste against someone or something, i think it's perfectly fine to use the word hate, and don't let anyone tell you different. i dunno i could be in the wrong but i just had to let you guys know how i feel on hate. think it's perfectly fine...peace out
guess what mr james did??!!
james called me bitch!, yes you read it right he called me a bitch! imma tell yall more later cause im tired lol
gosh..that wasn't nice
so there's this guy named james who likes me. i guess he's a nice kid but, yeah, not really my type. he's a geeky black dude who doesn't know himself. and i don't mean he's geeky in the way that he's mad smart, i mean he talks like he hasn't hit puberty, he tucks in ALL of his shirts and he has zits that should have their own name. and i just hate the way he says my name. ugh, it makes me wanna punch him. so it's february and he came up to me and was like "what are you doin MAY 22?" i gave him a blank look. who the hell knows exactly what they're doing about 3 months away unless you're going on vacation? tell me, WHO?!!! so after i recovered from some internal mean thoughts and questions, i smiled sweetly and said "um, i dunno. why?" and he said it's the day of the junior prom and that he wanted to take me. (insert awww if you wanna, i wouldn't, because things just get worse) i laughed hysterically because i just didn't understand why he would ask so damn soon. first of all the junior prom didn't even cross my mind cause i hate this school and i don't wanna go. second of all i feel like old boy is on some OD shit because, like, IT'S THREE MONTHS AWAY! i just told him i would seriously consider it, which i don't plan on doing. but he was bold though because he asked for all of my information ie. email, myspace, phone number. i aint give him shit because thats a potential stalker, its bad enough he stares at me all through class.
because i was so tickled by him, i told my sister. SHE WAS PISSED! LOL. she does not like james because she feels like he's ugly and dumb and she can't even belive he had the audacity to ask me out. (she must think the world of me right?) and before i could stop her she went on a mission looking for him. i know she has a slick mouth and believe it or not she's meaner than me! she finally found him and i tried to tell him to walk away, but his pride got the best of him and he stayed for an unexpected tounge lashin'. she went off!!! she went on and on about how he's ugly and how i would never go out with him, how he was stupid for even asking and honestly i felt bad for him. yes james can be an annoying smart ass but i wouldn't have put him down like that. that doesn't mean i wasn't laughing though. i laughed till my macara was streaking down my face. im sorry, but the shit was funny, i just couldn't help myself, its like when you see someone fall, you're gonna laugh. at the end, james couldn't even look at me, he was lookin at my sister with disgust and, from what she told me, his eyes started to water. i felt bad but that just shows me that he doesn't have thick skin and if he wanna be with me, he gonna have to have heart. but i got a man so its all good. but that wasn't nice, it was funny as hell, but not nice at all. : )
because i was so tickled by him, i told my sister. SHE WAS PISSED! LOL. she does not like james because she feels like he's ugly and dumb and she can't even belive he had the audacity to ask me out. (she must think the world of me right?) and before i could stop her she went on a mission looking for him. i know she has a slick mouth and believe it or not she's meaner than me! she finally found him and i tried to tell him to walk away, but his pride got the best of him and he stayed for an unexpected tounge lashin'. she went off!!! she went on and on about how he's ugly and how i would never go out with him, how he was stupid for even asking and honestly i felt bad for him. yes james can be an annoying smart ass but i wouldn't have put him down like that. that doesn't mean i wasn't laughing though. i laughed till my macara was streaking down my face. im sorry, but the shit was funny, i just couldn't help myself, its like when you see someone fall, you're gonna laugh. at the end, james couldn't even look at me, he was lookin at my sister with disgust and, from what she told me, his eyes started to water. i felt bad but that just shows me that he doesn't have thick skin and if he wanna be with me, he gonna have to have heart. but i got a man so its all good. but that wasn't nice, it was funny as hell, but not nice at all. : )
why is he even allowed in public? i shouldn't have to witness his face.
why doesn't he realize he's gay?
why do they look like the jackson5 on crack now?
why is he so DAMN fine??!!!
there's a pregnancy pact in my school, never know what you got till it's gone : (
as you all know my school is infested with whores. im talkin bout girls who make it a must to show their belly button rings, thongs and even granny panties. girls who give head in the back of the class room. girls who have had at least two abortions before the age of 15, girls who wear yeast infection pants and "show everything but your nipples" shirts. if you guys think for one second im over exaggerating, im not, im being oh so serious. for those who watch LIFETIME, you know that the premire for the movie "PREGNANCY PACT" came on sunday and you'll have a better idea of what im talkin about. there is at least 50 girls in my school who ar pregnant. day by day i see what me and my friends call "the bump" on girls who we have to move out of the way for so she can pass. i am officially convinced that there is a pregnancy pact in my school. it only makes sense and the worst part about it is that they walk around thinking it's cute and that taking care of that baby will be a piece of cake. no, not at all. i have a puppy i can hardly keep up with (yes i have a new dog!!!) not to mention about 6 cousins that i co-raised by force and trust me, when they wanna go to the club and can't their gonna wish they kept their legs closed and waited for something worth waititng for.
other than that im still on punishment and i think my mom is in need of a slap. she's so damn annoying when she gets in one of her moods. honestly how can she yell at me because she left clean pots, yes clean pots, on the stove? she makes no sense half the time. ugh, moms! but i miss my ipod dearly and my laptop, and my boo. he's doin his thing in college so i can't complain. im happy he's not a bum. love ya'll! peace.
other than that im still on punishment and i think my mom is in need of a slap. she's so damn annoying when she gets in one of her moods. honestly how can she yell at me because she left clean pots, yes clean pots, on the stove? she makes no sense half the time. ugh, moms! but i miss my ipod dearly and my laptop, and my boo. he's doin his thing in college so i can't complain. im happy he's not a bum. love ya'll! peace.
is it me or am i unattractive?
gotta love 'em
my mom can be a straight up bitch, and im not afraid to admit that. two days ago i used the bathroom at about 2:30 am and this woman seriously stood outside the bathroom waiting for me to finish just so she could yell at me. who the hell does that?, i understand im on punishment and all but come on! i was doing what a normal human being does, why should the time in which it was done be a reason to yell at me. so needless to say she pisses me off and i think she needs a slap from time to time. honestly i havent done ANYTHING since ive been on lock and that includes asking her for lunch money, so yes, i starve while im at school because she's that much of a bitch sometimes and i get so turned off that i don't even ask. i can't even stress how hard she is on me. six months of punishment for a glass of wine, everyone is entitiled to their opinion but i just think my mom does not know how to punish suitably. so last night when she pissed me off yet again i realized that there is nothing that that woman could do to make me stop loving her. there'e just some people in your life that you are going to love regardless. but my biological dad is another story. i havent said the word dad in so long that its foreign to me. i hate that "man". he can rot in hell. there's no excuse and i pray that God will have mercy on his soul. nuff said.
now my auntie is a cute, young, annoying thing. she always wants me to babysit and she's always at my house makin a whole lot of unwanted noise and i get sick of her always asking me how i feel. ugh, i just wanna yell at her but she's so sweet that if i did i would feel guilty afterwards. she's another one that gets on my LAST nerve bt i love her just the same.
the list could just go on and on but im gonna end it there. other than that i feel like shit but at the same time i don't. i feel like shit on one hand because i miss my ipod, my laptop, my cell phone and my boo. mommy took all of that away from me. and on the other hand i feel great because colleges are contacting me and i feel like im gonna get my ticket out of my house. i wanna get away by any means and college is my ticket. im at the point in my life where i can't wait to be 18!!! i think it will be sweet but something in the back of my mind is telling me that i need to live my life now and not wait for it to start on my 18th birthday, but im waiting...peace out y'all.
now my auntie is a cute, young, annoying thing. she always wants me to babysit and she's always at my house makin a whole lot of unwanted noise and i get sick of her always asking me how i feel. ugh, i just wanna yell at her but she's so sweet that if i did i would feel guilty afterwards. she's another one that gets on my LAST nerve bt i love her just the same.
the list could just go on and on but im gonna end it there. other than that i feel like shit but at the same time i don't. i feel like shit on one hand because i miss my ipod, my laptop, my cell phone and my boo. mommy took all of that away from me. and on the other hand i feel great because colleges are contacting me and i feel like im gonna get my ticket out of my house. i wanna get away by any means and college is my ticket. im at the point in my life where i can't wait to be 18!!! i think it will be sweet but something in the back of my mind is telling me that i need to live my life now and not wait for it to start on my 18th birthday, but im waiting...peace out y'all.
and the same record plays...
im so sorry that i haven't been posting you guys. these last couple of days have been very hard. im trying to get a resraining order against my own father. he put his hands on me and i can't believe it. he hasn't seen me since thanksgiving and the first thing he does to me, new year and all, is put his hands on me. i thought that maybe i could start off with a clean slate with him because it's a new year but obviously i can't. and i made up my mind that i never want to see him again and if he tries to get in contact with me i want him to go to jail. im officially done with him. but im on punishment for six months because i was drinking, so my mom took away my ipod, my phone and my laptop, that's why i haven't been blogging much, but there's always the school computers so it's all good. the punishment isn't even whats killing me. everyday since the assault i've been having flashbacks of times where my father has made me cry or made me scared or made me mad to the point that i felt like i wanted him dead, and i hate going back to that. it's like a record that keeps playing in my mind with the same sad ass song playing. that shit is depressing and im tired of it. people say im wrong for wanting a restraining order but they don' t understand. before thanksgiving i havent seen my "dad" for over a year. he doesn't call me for any holidays and my birthday is no exception. everytime i talk to him it's the hardest moments i have to go through in my year. it's so hard and im almost on the verge of tears but i have to be strong. im gonna get that order and i hope he stays put if my life. he hasn't been in it for a minute and i won't allow him to just come into it when he feels like it, im not letting that shit go down.
i'll post more tomorrow...
My father put his hands on me tonight. I had to call the police and I'm getting a restraining order. I'm tired of this shit...I'll post more tomorrow.
ok i'm back!!
I feel like a stuffed turkey full of emotions. I'm happy and mad and a little worried.Well I'm happy because it's Friday. This weekend was much needed. It was hell trying to fix it but I fixed it so I'm REALLY happy about that so now you guys can see when I update this thang. I'm mad because I went to my boyfriend's house today to chill with his sister. His sister is my age and we're really cool, but his youngest sister who is a year younger than me and she does not like me at all. Do I have a issue with her not liking me? No, not at all. But what I do have a problem with is that she disrespects me when it isn't even called for. I understand she's still young and immature at heart but she should know better. As soon as I walked in the door she said "the dog is here." At that moment I wanted to slap her teeth straight and rip the skin off of her face, but because I refuse to give the little bitch my energy, I'm gonna ignore her every time she has something to say. But if the little girl decides to touch me we are gonna have one of these..again.
I don't want it to go there, but I'm not as patient as she thinks. The quiet ones are the ones you gotta look out for, and that's me all the way. At any moment I could explode and do something to detroy her life forever and make sure she never recovers, but like I said I don't want it to go there. I dont have time for all of that.
The only reason I'm worried is because I just wanna do well in school. I have to get into a good college. I just have to.
peace out y'all! : )
technical difficulties
Some of you guys have informed me that my blog does not show up on you guys' dashboards. I don't know what the problem is and I'm trying to fix it. If anyone has any information on how to fix this problem please let me know so you guys don't think I'm slackin on the blogging. : )...I will be back with you guys momentarily.
a woman vs. a grown ass little girl :what happened at the salon
So today I got my hair done. I got myself a doobi at the dominican salon because I'm trying to do my natural thing, but anyway there was some drama today. Even though I don't speak spanish and I live in a highly Hispanic populated area, I caught the gist of what happened. so there I was getting my hair blown out and all of a sudden these two women step to my hair dresser on some other shit. Like they were yelling at her and showing her text messages and all my hair dresser said was "uh-uh, no, not me", so here's what happened. One of the women thought that my hair dresser was creeping around with her man. So she came in a salon full of people with her sister (probably), and decided to put her business out ther in front of a salon full of people and she put my haor dresser on blast, but my hair dresser did someting very classy, she told the woman that she will talk to her later like an adult and handle their bussiness when they were alone.
When you find out that your signifigant other is creeping you can do one of two things. You can get all ignorant and act before you think or you can handle your business like an adult. Once when one of my boyfriend's cheated on me, I didnt cry (at least not in front of people) and I didn't yell at him when I finally I saw him. I spoke to him and told him that instead of creeping around he should have stepped to me like a man and told me he wanted it to be over because I could have had someone else by my side if he no longer has interest then I decided to pay the girl he cheated on me with a little visit. I didn't whoop her ass even though I wanted to, but I spoke to her. I asked her if she knew about me and I told her that if he did something like this to me, what made her think that he wouldnt do it to her? Long story short I didn't get ghetto and i didn't call her out of her name and i showed no weakness. After that woman left after making a scene I realized that even though some women are technically grown women, they are still little girls. Character defines you, and I did not respect the way she handled her bussiness, to me she was just a grown ass little girl who thinks that screaming and crying will solve her problems. But I, a soon to be 17 year old, would not have done that. I would have handled mine like a lady and handled my man before I went to her first of all because he caused the crime, and then I would have talked to her, on out own time. Not whe she was working and tending to customers. Character is what seperates women from little girls. That's what I I learned today. I learned that I'm a woman because of my mindset, not because of my age.
When you find out that your signifigant other is creeping you can do one of two things. You can get all ignorant and act before you think or you can handle your business like an adult. Once when one of my boyfriend's cheated on me, I didnt cry (at least not in front of people) and I didn't yell at him when I finally I saw him. I spoke to him and told him that instead of creeping around he should have stepped to me like a man and told me he wanted it to be over because I could have had someone else by my side if he no longer has interest then I decided to pay the girl he cheated on me with a little visit. I didn't whoop her ass even though I wanted to, but I spoke to her. I asked her if she knew about me and I told her that if he did something like this to me, what made her think that he wouldnt do it to her? Long story short I didn't get ghetto and i didn't call her out of her name and i showed no weakness. After that woman left after making a scene I realized that even though some women are technically grown women, they are still little girls. Character defines you, and I did not respect the way she handled her bussiness, to me she was just a grown ass little girl who thinks that screaming and crying will solve her problems. But I, a soon to be 17 year old, would not have done that. I would have handled mine like a lady and handled my man before I went to her first of all because he caused the crime, and then I would have talked to her, on out own time. Not whe she was working and tending to customers. Character is what seperates women from little girls. That's what I I learned today. I learned that I'm a woman because of my mindset, not because of my age.
HEY GUYS! There's this wanna be Nicki Minaj-Trina hoe who like to P*SSY SWAG! what "p*ssy swaggin" is is beyond me but she thinks it's cool. She thinks it's classy and she think's it's a good representation of all her "bitches". I though I would just give you guys an intro before I go in on this hoe. Y'all know how much I detest the word "p*ssy", but in this letter you will see me use it so I apologize in advance. This trick ass bitch have the nerve and audacity to have a stupid ass song called "pussy swaggin" and I'm mad, I feel disrespected so I HAVE to shut this down just one time.
Dear Slyver Karatz,
Um excuse me honey but, um, no. You are a broke down bitch with no skills and you got to where you are (where ever that may be) by the seat of your panties and sweetie I do not find your little pussy swaggin song cute at all. Your song only amplifies how ignorant you truly are and it's sad. I hope you don't think your a top notch bitch because your weave is broke down as hell and I saw a little bit of the track comin out. If you seriously thought that women would appreciate you for this song lemme break it down for you : THIS SONG MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A HOE AND YOU ARE PUSSY SWAGGIN BY YOUR DAMN SELF! Ugh, quite frankly you disgust me and I'm really upset that you would think this would be a respectable anthem for women. It's bad enough that men (not all) look at women as just a piece of ass and your basically giving them permission to do just that! Did you you know that you stupid slut? Did that even cross your mind when you were probably fuckin the producer to this song that made you come up with this dumb ass concept?
And bitch I do not find your crusty weave havin ass cute. Bitch you are not Nicki Minaj and and you are not Trina so stop trying cause you don't pull it off. As Nicki would say "step your pussy up", if you don't know what that means then look that shit up on youtube, the place I found your fucked up video. The shit doesn't even play right. OMG that 4 minutes of your video was the most frustrated I've been all year and 2010 just started, so that's not good.
Ok, I'm basically done making you feel stupid, so while your pussy swaggin I'm gonna be swaggin in my Christian Louboutin stilletos like a real women you two cent hoe. DAMN, a 16 year old woman just dissed the hell out of you.
Dear Slyver Karatz,
Um excuse me honey but, um, no. You are a broke down bitch with no skills and you got to where you are (where ever that may be) by the seat of your panties and sweetie I do not find your little pussy swaggin song cute at all. Your song only amplifies how ignorant you truly are and it's sad. I hope you don't think your a top notch bitch because your weave is broke down as hell and I saw a little bit of the track comin out. If you seriously thought that women would appreciate you for this song lemme break it down for you : THIS SONG MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A HOE AND YOU ARE PUSSY SWAGGIN BY YOUR DAMN SELF! Ugh, quite frankly you disgust me and I'm really upset that you would think this would be a respectable anthem for women. It's bad enough that men (not all) look at women as just a piece of ass and your basically giving them permission to do just that! Did you you know that you stupid slut? Did that even cross your mind when you were probably fuckin the producer to this song that made you come up with this dumb ass concept?
And bitch I do not find your crusty weave havin ass cute. Bitch you are not Nicki Minaj and and you are not Trina so stop trying cause you don't pull it off. As Nicki would say "step your pussy up", if you don't know what that means then look that shit up on youtube, the place I found your fucked up video. The shit doesn't even play right. OMG that 4 minutes of your video was the most frustrated I've been all year and 2010 just started, so that's not good.
Ok, I'm basically done making you feel stupid, so while your pussy swaggin I'm gonna be swaggin in my Christian Louboutin stilletos like a real women you two cent hoe. DAMN, a 16 year old woman just dissed the hell out of you.
the random ramblings of ZODIAC
I must take my alter ego seriously because I find myself talking in third person when I'm in ZODIAC mode. I love that lady. But anyway I feel all guilty because I feel like I haven't posted in two days but I was goin through some thangs. LADIES YOU CAN RELATE IM SURE. uhg, I just wanted to rip the skin off my stepfather's face yesterday! All he does is come in the house a complain...all the damn time and yesterday was one of those days where I wasn't fuckin beat for his BS. I was in my room chillin' then all I hear is "WHO ATE ALL THE CHIPS?!" We have about 5 bags of chips and his ass is mad because one of them were gone. He offically confirmed that men have that time of the month as well, it's not just women.
My ipod and I spent the whole day together and at first I was listening to those songs that fit my mood such as:
My ipod and I spent the whole day together and at first I was listening to those songs that fit my mood such as:
- PMS-mary j blidge
- RAIN ON ME-ashanti
- NEVER NO MORE-aaliyah
- SEX THERAPY-robin thicke
- SO GOOD-day26
- BIRTHDAY SEX-jeremiah
- BEDROOM BOOM-chris king (my future husband) (oh, and he has a song called ZODIAC,so y'all know I'm in love)
- LOVE LIKE HONEY-pretty ricky
- UNDER-pleasure p (i hope he's not a rapist)
- WOULD YOU MIND-janet jackson
- STAY-jodeci
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