
:unofficial girl:

being in a "relatioship" and all what it's made up to be
it's complete bullshit
i just don't have the feelings i used to have for my boo because i feel stuck
the last time i saw him i wasn't even happy to see him
i was sick to my damn stomach!
ugh, and i actually felt bad that he likes me more than i like him
he kept calling me girlfriend and ven though i didn't tell him how i felt about that, after we parted ways i realized something very important
i liked being his unofficial girl
it's sweet that he wants to go there with me but uh-uh, im not even feelin it
all day i was thinking if i should tell him or not cause i just dont' know what i should do at this point

this is how i feel, he was my little secret for some time, and it should stay that way, but we not cheating i rather leave before we get into all of that mess which brings me to this song...

i feel the girl version of this, i have love for him and i don't wanna hurt him but i just wanna do me *shrugs*

1 acknowledgements:

Shay said...

I completely understand . It's like once you place titles on something it's no longer the same .